

Modern Mindful Online Group Coaching Program

Do you currently fear your emotions, past or future? I help women create confident and nourishing connections with their emotional well-being!

I have specially created this 8 week Mindset Coaching program to provide you with the daily tools to create Presence, Purpose and Passion within each moment, to help you tackle anything that may come your way. We have to do the work within to benefit with out.. Let’s work together to get that started!


How can this help me?

Within our time together I will help you build a more in depth connection within the disconnects of your life! Focusing around re-wiring and re-building your connection with YOU! Aimed to change old thinking habits and the resulting daily actions, holding you personally responsible for the changes you make!

Using simple Mindful techniques to change your ingrained habits of diminishing beliefs, self- judgement, and negative thought patterns, this program gets to the core of what you genuinely wish to have in life.

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Key Targets

Limit everyday stressors and anxieties

Become more aware of our thoughts and actions

Take personal corrective action for positive change

Look at how we create our suffering

Cultivate the ability to sit with unpleasant thoughts

Create more awareness and happiness in everyday life.

Build a solid foundation of mindful techniques and tools to use in everyday life + more

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- 8 weekly x 1 hour sessions with me

- Tailor Made Action plan / Goals after every session

- Free Copy of the Modern Mindful E - Program valued at $40

- Discount to Level 2 Program

- Email and phone support throughout program

Click the tab below to download your FREE Introductory MM Online Module!

Modern Mindful Client Testimonial

8 Week Mindset Coaching Sessions

My name is Kate Lennon and I am 20 years old. Late last year I had a relapse of my anorexia. Whilst I was doing well in some respects, I was emotionally and soulfully absent. I experienced a lot of anxiety and really struggled with my thoughts and connecting with others. I was quite isolated. I wanted to speak to someone but hadn’t come across anyone that I felt comfortable with or genuinely wanted to talk to.

The first session was absolutely nothing like I had envisioned. Sammie helped me realise that firstly my habits were my past ways of dealing with or avoiding my thoughts and emotions, by projecting it into other areas of my life (food and exercise). In order to choose a different action, I had to be able to identify what my thoughts and emotions were and WHY I was thinking or feeling a certain way. Teaching me different ways to stay present and not attach to my thoughts and feelings, and instead identify, reflect and then take action in a more nourishing way.

Sammie also helped me embrace my authentic self. She helped me become aware of what I was doing to attain external gratification – physical, social, emotional. She helped me be content in who I was as an individual and realise that who I am is enough.

Whenever I had questions or queries, Sammie listened and then responded in ways that made me dig deeper and answer from a deeper and aligned space. Sammie’s approach allowed for a deeper and more authentic connection as she responded from her place of knowledge and experience, rather than saying things to make me ‘feel better’.

In all honesty I would recommend Sammie to everyone I know. She has an aura and ability to make anyone feel comfortable and at peace within themselves. She encourages people to connect to themselves and the world around them on a deeper enriching level and guides them on a path to feel more fulfilment in all aspects of their life. She has transformed my life and I can confidently say that crossing her path is the best thing that has happened in my life. I have nothing but love and adoration for her, and consider myself incredibly lucky to have her in my life! Love Kate x